The Bible tells us without a vision the people perish (Prov. 29:18). Our vision is to build a relationship with Jesus, with one another, and transform our world from house to house, city to city and nation to nation. We are called by God to be a family of churches in Canada, connected through relationship; living the Kingdom – transforming our world. Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing (John 5:19) and He calls us to do the same. The DOVE Canada family is called to keep actively involved in what the Lord is doing in the world today. We desire to empower, train, and release God’s people at the grass roots level to fulfill His purposes. Jesus values people, and He has called us to see the Father working in those whom the Lord has placed in our lives.
In order to contribute the most to God’s overall purpose for us, we are committed to continuing the wholehearted pursuit of the Lord and the specific vision and calling that He has given us—to build the church with an “underground” focus. This focus is fulfilled as small groups of believers, committed to the Lord and to each other – connected to local congregations and networks, and learn to pray and obey the Lord together. Simply put, these are our “roots,” and our continued focus today.